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Personal Development 101 – What It Takes To Really Change For The Better

Personal Development 101 – What It Takes To Really Change For The
Do you have the habits you want to change? Do you feel that you’re not really
living up to your full potential? If so, listen up because, in this
article, we will tell you what it really takes to change yourself for the
better. We promise you, by the end of this article, you will be able to
take baby steps to really make a change.
A key component in self-improvement is awareness. The idea is that it’s
impossible to change when you don’t know what needs to be changed. If you
have this nagging feeling that things could get better and that you could
become a better person, get into a quiet corner and ask yourself what needs
to be changed. If no answer comes to you, ask yourself again and again
until you get an answer. And when it comes to you, acknowledge it.
Whether it’s a habit you need to change or something else, acknowledge the
answer that comes to you and becomes really aware of how it’s affecting
your life. Don’t make any judgments on whether it’s good or bad, simply
accept it.

For example, I was having this heavy feeling for several days when I
finally stopped to ask myself “what’s the matter?” Then it came to be that
for the longest time, I haven’t been taking the time to pray and to
appreciate Life and how it’s been really good to me.
Identify your action steps
It’s not enough to simply be aware. When it comes to changing yourself for
the better, action is critical. So, when you’ve identified your issue, ask
yourself what you can do to change it. Don’t overwhelm yourself with action
steps that seem big to you. Instead, identify small baby steps you can do
right now. Maybe you just need to go to the beach or climb up the mountain
to get some fresh air. Or maybe you just need to meditate.
Commit to your action steps
In order to make a truly lasting change in your life, it’s NOT enough to
take action just once. You need to do it several times until you’ve seen
changes in yourself and in your life. For example, while meditation is very
beneficial even when you do it just once if you really want to change your
life, meditate every day consistently, even when you don’t feel like it.
The same goes for mountain climbing and going to the beach. Do them
regularly and get organized so that you’re actually making time to do those

In order to make things more fun, get everyone involved. Ask your friends
or family to do things with you. (Doing things alone is only fun up to a
certain point.)
Often, that nagging feeling to change this or that in your life is your
soul crying out for expansion. Like a chicken in the egg that’s about to
crack, in order to free your soul, you need to constantly push until you’re
out of that shell.

Personal Development 101: The Benefits Of Having A Personal Coach
There used to be a time when the only people who had personal coaches were
famous celebrities or those who were in dire need of counseling for
different issues. But in the last few years, having a personal coach has
become a much more common thing. Today, even ordinary people have personal
coaches to assist them in accomplishing various goals in life.
People may need the help of a personal coach for several different reasons.
Some need help in getting over a personal tragedy like the death of a loved
one or a nasty divorce. Others may need support for coping with
psychological or mental issues. There are also those who just want to build
confidence and maximize their strengths.

In all these cases, a personal coach can definitely help a lot, provided
that you choose the right kind of coach to work with. For example, personal
coaching that focuses on financial advice would certainly be very different
from coaching that centers on emotional development.
If you are considering working with a personal coach but have no idea what
to expect, here’s a typical scenario of how coaching works.
First of all, you’d have to identify your goals. If you already have very
clear goals that you want to accomplish, all the better. But if there are
still some gray areas, your coach will be able to help you.
Although a personal coach’s job is to guide you towards achieving your
goals, the actual effort would still have to come from you. So if you are
thinking that having a personal coach is like having someone do all the
hard work for you, you’re mistaken. You will work closely with your coach,
maybe discuss methods of how to achieve your objectives but you will have
to take each step yourself.
Other than goal setting, there are many other areas where a personal coach
can greatly help, but the most valuable lessons that you can learn from a
personal coach are those that have to do with basic life skills as they
relate to your personal development: time management, decision making,
prioritizing, problem-solving, and organizing. Once you have these areas
mastered, you will be able to accomplish so much more on your own without
having to rely on a coach or anyone else.
There are personal coaches who are so good at making decisions and solving
problems that the person they are coaching will eventually become dependent
on them instead of learning to make sound decisions on their own.
Obviously, this is counterproductive to the whole idea of working with a
personal coach, which should be able to help you stand on your own.

Instead of looking at the coach’s ability to actually do the things that
they are supposed to teach, you should prioritize the way they instruct and
encourage their students. You want to work with someone who can push you to
the best of what you can be, without actually doing any of the work  for

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