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4 Ways to Save Money on Healthcare Expenses

Americans spend around $3.5 trillion on healthcare yearly. That is over $10,000 for each person. As a result, everyone is looking for ways to save on healthcare costs so that they can spend their money in other places. Fortunately, there are a few ways to consistently save on medical bills.

Take Care of Yourself

This may seem like an obvious tip, but establishing healthy habits can reduce your need for treatment. Everyone will need medical attention at some time, but taking care of yourself can keep you and your wallet away from the hospital. Staying active, eating healthy, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, may seem simple, but it will decrease your medical bills.

Try Telehealth

As life gets busier, patient preferences are moving the direction of convenience. This is where telehealth can help. Telehealth is a way to use technology to transmit your healthcare information to a physician. It also includes consulting with a doctor without having to go into a doctor's office.

These types of interactions keep costs down and allow individuals to receive care, even if they are far from a medical professional. It is an attractive option for those who would prefer to virtually consult with a doctor to save time and money.


A Health Savings Account, or HSA, is a savings account in which the money therein can only be used for health expenses. The IRS and many brokerage sites show the range of services and pharmaceuticals from which the money from an HSA can be used. The range is wide and includes many medical, dental, and mental health, services.

There are a few benefits that make an HSA more beneficial than if you established your own savings account. Among these benefits are, much of the money is tax-free and the money can roll over to the next year. This makes HSAs a good choice for most Americans to pay for their medical expenses or supplement their insurance coverage.

Request Generic Medicine

Generic medicine often provides the same relief, at a much lower price. When your doctor prescribes medicine, be sure to ask them if a generic medication will be just as effective. Often they are, and the doctor will write a prescription for the less expensive, generic, medicine.

Everyone is looking for a way to save on medical expenses. No one wants to be plagued by endless hospital and doctor bills. The above tips can combine to help you save money, and give you more money to spend on other things.

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